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Buena Memoria: La Clase (The Class), 1996. Marcelo Brodsky (b. Argentina, 1954).

memorial da resistência the class

“Marcelo Brodsky is an extremely well-known Argentinian artist,” Seligmann-Silva explains. “This here is his most famous piece.” Brodsky was part of the generation that resisted the Argentinian military dictatorship, like Fúlvia Molina was in Brazil. He takes his high school graduation picture – photographed in 1967, before the Argentinian military dictatorship – and after researching what happened to each of his classmates, writes the story of each person on top of the image. Claudio and Martín – circled in red – ended up getting murdered by the regime.

“He has here the question of building the history of a generation, one that was very affected by the military coup. And Brodsky himself was affected, too. He was exiled and he lost a brother.” Marcelo’s brother was disappeared and killed at the hands of the Argentinian dictatorship.

This photograph is just one component of the full <a href="">Buena Memoria</a> exhibition.

[Photo: Joca Duarte. Used with permission.]

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