Artememoria welcomes questions, suggestions, and pitches for content. Messages can be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Please fill out the fields below with a specific subject line that indicates the type of message you are sending, according to the following guidelines:
For questions, please indicate the specific article or section of the magazine relevant to your message in the subject line. (For example: “Question – Exhibit Memory – Issue 1” or “Question – Fiction” or “Question – About”). Please briefly introduce yourself in the body of the email.
For suggestions, please indicate the specific section of the magazine relevant to your message. (For example: “Suggestion – Blog” or “Suggestion – Related Reading” or “Suggestion – Interview”). Please briefly introduce yourself in the body of the email.
For pitches, please indicate if your pitch is for a blog post or main issue content in the subject line. Then, please specify the type of pitch, also in the subject line. (For example: “Pitch – Blog Post – Book review of ‘Title'” or “Pitch – Main Issue Content – Video interview with [name of individual]” or “Pitch – Main Issue Content – Original Fiction”). The pitch itself should be no longer than 300 words. Please also briefly introduce yourself in the body of the email.
Artememoria will make an attempt to reply to every message! Thank you for your patience.