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Tag: public memory

Vera Vital Brasil on the Struggle for Memory in Brazil

Psychologist and former political prisoner Vera Vital Brasil writes on Brazil’s path to building a democracy. Now, is the country back in the trenches of resistance?

In advance of the runoff of Brazil’s presidential election, Artememoria invites readers to reflect on how Brazil has constructed memory about its military dictatorship. The magazine asked…

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Forgetting is the direct result of the larger political struggle over memory, says José Maria Gomez

Organizer of groundbreaking book Lugares de Memoria speaks about Brazil’s political project of forgetting – and how his team has tried to confront it.

Organizer of groundbreaking book Lugares de Memoria speaks about Brazil’s political project of forgetting – and how his team has tried to confront it

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In Review: Dancing Bears by Wiltold Szablowski

A Polish journalist writes a stunning reported novel on rehabilitated dancing bears in Eastern Europe – and on countries that have a hard time letting go of their authoritarian pasts.

Polish journalist Wiltold Szablowski’s stunning reported novel Dancing Bears tells tales of rehabilitated dancing bears in Eastern Europe – and of countries that have a hard time letting go of their authoritarian pasts.

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